Case Study
FinThrive Learn

How Central Peninsula Hospital Transformed Training Efficiency and Employee Growth

woman seated in office chair steepling her fingers

Business issue

Central Peninsula Hospital (CPH) faced inefficient training processes, novice workers and inconsistent knowledge access across various points in the organization. This meant registration inaccuracies could result in judgment errors in billing and operations — a shortfall that necessitated the search for a standardized tool for training and knowledge dissemination across the organization.

Before FinThrive

The difficulty of educating and training hospital staff is a challenge for CPH and the entire healthcare industry. Challenges included:

  • De-centralized registration, with registration staff in multiple hospital and physician clinic departments, creating a challenge in providing consistent training and education across departments
  • Registration inaccuracies and inconsistencies stemming from a lack of understanding and knowledge
  • Denial management and A/R follow-up inefficiencies due to misguided judgment calls, primarily caused by knowledge gaps
  • Heavy reliance on one-on-one (1:1) training methods
  • Limited utilization by registration and billing staff of hospital-paid Continuing Education Unit (CEU) hours for staff development
Solution Highlights

Through FinThrive Learn, CPH found a solution developed with healthcare experts and industry standards, which resulted in improved operations and staff performance:

  • Implementation of a mandatory course curriculum for new hires in patient access and billing, guided by recommendations from FinThrive’s concierge team.
  • Baseline assessments for all staff members to pinpoint educational gaps organization-wide.
  • Individual educational planning sessions held between supervisors/directors and staff, held upon staff request, which results in a custom education plan based on the employee’s goals and desired learning. The education plans include badges and individual coursework to further educate the employee in their existing or future desired role.
  • Employees are allowed to self-enroll in any FinThrive courses desired. This has fostered individualized career path planning for approximately 40 individuals and leads to increased employee satisfaction.
  • Integration of courses across billing, patient access, and clinic registration to ensure consistent education delivery across multiple departments to foster a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce.
Customer Overview

CPH is a full-service hospital located in Soldotna, Alaska which serves the Central Kenai Peninsula. The organization is an acclaimed regional medical center focused on improving individual and community health while achieving national standards of excellence.

  • A 49-bed facility with 13 provider-based clinics, and urgent care, both on and off campus
  • Serving all aspects of healing and care: mental, emotional, spiritual, social and physical
  • One of the largest regional healthcare providers in Alaska
  • 980+ employees and 2500+ patients per year

FinThrive Value

The management and colleagues of CPH fully engage the FinThrive technology to make an impact. The value of this user-friendly and caliber professional development tool pays off and aligns with the organization’s culture and commitment to employee growth.

#Participating colleagues: 179 CPH staff earning Knowledge Badges and CEUs, representing clinical and business operations and roles


FinThrive courses completed: 1,725


207 unique CEU units earned to support compliance for 78 staff


40 Knowledge Badges earned for completed courses and promoting career laddering

“Knowing that my managers cared about my future made me feel more positive about my job, the hospital and myself. Now, I have a clear path to get my certification and learn about different parts of the hospital’s finances. When I’m ready to move up, I’ll know which roles I like best and where I can make the most impact.”

Heather W.
Patient Financial Services, Central Peninsula Hospital

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