Events & Webinars
We’re excited to show you how FinThrive is transforming the healthcare economy. Register for an upcoming event or webinar or stop by our booth at one of the conferences we’ll be attending.
February 10
2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
HFMA Minnesota Winter Conference
Panel: Leadership in Action: Leading from the Center
Panelists: Rachel King, Director of Finance, Children's MN; Gina DeConcini, Director of Tax, Allina Health; Courtney McNamee, Director of Payer Revenue Management and Patient Financial Services, Altru Health Systems
Moderator: Greg Oelerich, Account Director, FinThrive
This panel session will discuss leadership in healthcare organizations, strategies leaders are using to drive positive outcomes and leadership's role in technology adoption.
March 3
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
HFMA Idaho Boise Conference
The RȻM Advantage: Transformative Revenue Management for Healthcare
Speaker: Jonathan Wiik, Vice President of Health Insights, FinThrive
This session will outline how improvements can be made in every phase of the traditional RCM cycle (front end, mid-cycle, back end) and offers ideas about how to rethink and transform RM at your organization. It is a primer for things to come, proposing a better way to manage revenue for a sustainable, financially viable future.
March 3-6
Las Vegas, NV
Join FinThrive at HIMSS 2025—future-proof your revenue cycle; stop by Booth 5623!