Case Study
Revenue Capture

Phoebe Putney Identifies $12 Million of Lost Charges in First Year

female doctor having conversation with female patient

Business issue

High number of billing inaccuracies resulted in lost revenue.

Before FinThrive

Inability to thoroughly audit over 225,000+ claims

Complex billing process

Lack of common goals

Unfamiliar with process and nuances of coding, resulting in errors and missed charges

Solution Highlights

Maximizes reimbursements and improves clean claim rates

Identifies missing revenue and compliance issues—pre-bill

Scrubs bills before they reach the patient

Improves charge accuracy and compliance

Customer Overview

A nonprofit, 691-bed teaching hospital in Southwest Georgia

Serves more than 500,000 residents in 41 counties

FinThrive Value


FinThrive Revenue Capture reviews 100% of inpatient / outpatient bills


Identified $12M in lost
charges in its first year of use


Leverages 12,000+ rules derived from clinical practices to increase net revenue

FinThrive Revenue Capture is a valuable tool for any organization. It’s the best and virtually only tool of its kind – compliance-centered and very effective in identifying lost charges. We know that we’re sending out clean claims and you can’t put a value on that assurance.

Wendy Allen
Corporate Director, Revenue Management

Confident business woman at easy

Revenue management without limits

FinThrive provides smarter, smoother revenue management to 3,250+ healthcare providers in North America, including 37 of the 40 largest hospitals and health systems in the U.S.