The Value of a FinThrive Partnership at Chesapeake Regional

Jason Mercier, Director of Patient Financial Services, Chesapeake Regional

So my name is Jason Mercier. I'm the director of patient financial services, and I work at Chesapeake Regional. It's a three hundred and ten bed hospital, and this year, we're planning on becoming a trauma center.

One thing I like about working with FinThrive is they're really reliable. They helped us take our clean claim rate, which is mid seventies. They met with us every day for six weeks to help improve our clean claim rate and now we're sitting about eighty, eighty five percent, which is great.

One of the things that that helped us, they kept it simple. We went through line by line and we went through claim by claim, and simply, they solved a lot of our operational challenges, helped us work through some workflows, and just really made sure that, you know, is billing the right thing we need to do and are we billing our claims the right way? And I like the fact that they partnered with us rather than demanded us, say, you've gotta change. They helped us take it to the next level, and that I'm really glad that we have them as a partner.