The Revenue Cycle Management Technology Adoption Model (RCMTAM)

    RCMTAM offers healthcare providers a comprehensive tool to evaluate and enhance financial and technological performance through an evidence-based, five-stage maturity model.

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      FinThrive_EXEC_Revenue Management Automation Guide-svg

      Your Guide to an Autonomous Revenue Cycle
      Plot a course toward forward-thinking innovation that improves efficiency, the patient experience and your bottom line.


      Digging Deep to Find Hidden Revenue

      Insurance Discovery

      digging deep to find hidden revenue capturing hard-to-find insurance coverage can be a challenge for providers... but it doesn't have to be lost annual revenue can mean $100s of thousands for a mid-sized hospital or $10s of millions for a large health system revenue leakage throughout the revenue cycle unearth hidden revenue streams FinThrive_IG_Insurance Discovery-6

      Having the right partner yields maximum recoveries.
      Learn more today. 


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