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    FinThrive_EXEC_Revenue Management Automation Guide-svg

    Your Guide to an Autonomous Revenue Cycle
    Plot a course toward forward-thinking innovation that improves efficiency, the patient experience and your bottom line.

    Webinar  |  October 2 at 2 p.m. ET

    Cyber Resilience in Action: How to Maintain Revenue Continuity if Disaster Strikes 

    Hosted by:

    Headshot-Mark Janisewski
    Mark Janiszewski
    Chief Solution Officer, FinThrive

    Jeff Becker
    VP of Portfolio Marketing, FinThrive

    Learning Objectives

    • Discuss why redundancy is crucial in healthcare RCM if and when an unplanned outage occurs
    • Share how other organizations are solving their business continuity challenges
    • Help you develop a roadmap for tech adoption to support the implementation of a redundancy plan 


    A comprehensive redundancy plan in your RCM is crucial to help ensure patient eligibility and claims processing continues running smoothly if an outage occurs. Join our quick, 15-minute webinar where our subject matter experts will discuss why redundancy matters and give you a rundown of how standby eligibility and claims solutions can help your organization avoid the financial and operational impact of unplanned system interruptions. 

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