The Revenue Cycle Management Technology Adoption Model (RCMTAM)

    RCMTAM offers healthcare providers a comprehensive tool to evaluate and enhance financial and technological performance through an evidence-based, five-stage maturity model.

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      FinThrive_EXEC_Revenue Management Automation Guide-svg

      Your Guide to an Autonomous Revenue Cycle
      Plot a course toward forward-thinking innovation that improves efficiency, the patient experience and your bottom line.

      Patient Access Software Buyer’s Guide

      Essential questions to ask during your evaluation process



      With 65% of healthcare consumers expecting more convenience from their providers1, it’s never been more important for healthcare organizations to deliver a positive patient financial experience. Failure to meet these expectations means risking the loss of patients to competitors and greater financial strain.

      Finding the right patient access solution is crucial to keeping your patients happy. Choosing the right software isn't just about features; it's about transforming how your organization delivers care. With our guide, you can confidently answer key questions like:

      • How will the software integrate with my current systems?
      • Can I provide a contactless and convenient experience for my patients?
      • Will there be a direct line to 1:1 implementation support and training?
      • Is the interface both user and patient-friendly?

      And many more tailored questions across areas, including compatibility, intake patient engagement and security—all designed to ensure you make a well-informed decision that best positions you and your patients for long-term success.


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