The Revenue Cycle Management Technology Adoption Model (RCMTAM)

    RCMTAM offers healthcare providers a comprehensive tool to evaluate and enhance financial and technological performance through an evidence-based, five-stage maturity model.

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      FinThrive_EXEC_Revenue Management Automation Guide-svg

      Your Guide to an Autonomous Revenue Cycle
      Plot a course toward forward-thinking innovation that improves efficiency, the patient experience and your bottom line.

      The Complete Guide to Prior Authorizations 

      Identifying opportunities for improvement 



      Optimize Your Prior Authorization Process

      Are you tired of navigating the complex world of prior authorizations in healthcare? It’s notorious for being a bottleneck, packed with unnecessary steps that slow everyone down and can lead to negative outcomes. In fact, 95% of healthcare organizations say their patients experienced delays or denials for medically necessary care due to prior authorization requirements.1

      Our guide provides actionable insights to make the prior authorization process less painful and stop denials dead in their tracks.

      Download the guide to:

      • Gain a 360-degree view of the prior authorization process to bridge the gap and foster collaboration
      • Explore how patients often find themselves caught in the middle and learn strategies to prioritize their needs
      • Discover recent initiatives aimed at simplifying the prior authorization process and how to implement them effectively


      1 Annual Regulatory Burden Report October 2022, MGMA

      Complete the form and
      download your copy today.