Revenue Cycle Management Technology Adoption Model

Adrienne Moore, Senior Vice President of Finance, Banner Health

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I am Adrienne Moore, I'm with Banner Health. We are an integrated delivery network with facilities in six states. We have about four hundred locations, and our annual revenue is about $14 billion.

Describe the RCMTAM

I would say that it is similar to the scorecards we use for meaningful use to kind of pick your adoption level so that you can understand where you're at as a revenue cycle. And then I would also more generically just describe it as a scorecard or a a placemat so that you can see all of the technologies that exists within a revenue cycle and see where you may have gaps, but really just truly almost like a report card.

Explain team's process

So we went through a revenue cycle modernization a few years ago, and we didn't feel incredibly challenged. But it was good for us to take a second look and see both if there were any gap from the initial modernization.

And if anything new had emerged, since we went through that modernization, there's always emerging technologies and, technology adoption model tells you which ones to pay attention to. So you can kind of weed through all of the new technologies that are coming out every day. I think we need a technology adoption model in this space, every time you hire one of the big consulting firms, they're using something they've produced internally that is probably very similar. This is the first time that health systems have had access to a comprehensive and, more available model.

You know, if you go out and you hire one of the firms, they'll come in with a checklist of things they think you need to have. This one is more objective, and it's nice to see that it's been made available. It highlighted some gaps that we were already aware of and confirmed that they were indeed, gaps that we should pay attention to closing.

It renewed our focus on automation, and it highlighted a couple of areas where we hadn't really selected a product yet, but it helped us to quantify the benefit. Right? It gave us a location in the technology adoption model space and showed us the benefit that could be achieved by moving from point x to point y, really being able to build a financial case for that investment in getting that additional level of maturity.

How the RCMTAM has been helpful

My vendor management team probably got the most value out of it. It gave them a sense of assurance that we had a lot of the bases covered and that there were some areas that we could continue to focus on, and prioritize additional resources toward. Really for us, it highlighted the areas that we were already planning to focus on and that re reformation was nice for us.

There were a couple of areas that we hadn't really considered focusing on, and and now we know that there's some value to pursuing those areas as well.

But, you know, the the value for us is really an understanding what that top tier looks like. And, as we approach that top tier, recognizing the the benefit and and really tracking toward it.

The the top tier organizations have specifically lower AR days, lower denial rates, and we can set targets based on that top level rather than just setting our targets based on National benchmarks that we might get from other organizations.