Advancing Health Equity Through Data
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
Did you know eighty percent of health outcomes can be attributed to social determinants of health or SDOH? The places where we live, learn, work and age along with our socioeconomic status and race have a major influence on our health.
Our robust data assets and SDOH insights are driven by community data, deeper than ZIP code level, to better understand how health disparities are occurring, helping you predict member needs, improve experience and reduce costs. Get the insights that help you see deeper.
"Hi. I'm Paul. I have diabetes and high blood pressure. It's very hard for me to find healthy food options in my neighborhood because there are no grocery stores, so I get the convenient, fast stuff near me. This makes it very hard to control my health. Now that I have access to a food pantry, I can make better food choices and I don't end up with the doctor quite as often."
"My name is April. I am a mother, an avid swimmer and a breast cancer survivor. A few years ago, I went to a free cancer screening event and found out I was in the very early stages. I didn't know that black women are more likely to get cancer at an earlier age, but also typically get diagnosed later. So I was very lucky they caught it when they did. Now that I know, I can help others, including my daughter."
"I'm Kevin. I have congestive heart failure. I don't own a car and don't have access to the bus route, so I had a hard time making it to my doctor's appointments. I ended up getting admitted to the hospital, like a lot. I got enrolled in a ride share program which gets me to and from my doctor's appointments for free. My doctor and I were able to get a better handle on my health and reduced my need for hospital stays. It's been a long time since I felt this good."
Mitigate the drivers of underlying health inequities in the communities you serve. Advancing health equity through data, because socioeconomic status, zip codes and race shouldn't determine health outcomes.
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