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    Your Guide to an Autonomous Revenue Cycle
    Plot a course toward forward-thinking innovation that improves efficiency, the patient experience and your bottom line.

    Apply for a Data Donation

    Obtain Socioeconomic Information to Advance Your Health Equity Initiatives 

    It’s time to work together to bring about positive change within the US healthcare ecosystem.

    Your organization has the need for greater visibility into social risk factors impacting individuals and communities. We at FinThrive have the socioeconomic data to help support you in that quest. When partnered, there’s a huge opportunity to help reduce healthcare disparities and improve health outcomes at scale.

    FinThrive created the Data Humanity Lab to support health equity programs and is offering to donate socioeconomic data* to select healthcare organizations.

    *Offer for limited time only. All applications will be reviewed but not all requests can be fulfilled due to data donation requirements. You can expect a response within seven to ten business days. 

    To start the application process, please complete the form.