The Revenue Cycle Management Technology Adoption Model (RCMTAM)

    RCMTAM offers healthcare providers a comprehensive tool to evaluate and enhance financial and technological performance through an evidence-based, five-stage maturity model.

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      Your Guide to an Autonomous Revenue Cycle
      Plot a course toward forward-thinking innovation that improves efficiency, the patient experience and your bottom line.

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      Health Equity

      8 min read

      3 Ways Providers Can Navigate the End of the Public Health Emergency

      On May 11, 2023, the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) will expire, and along with the Consolidated Omnibus Act, will impact coverage for millions of Americans on Medicaid. This is arguably the biggest thing to happen to Medicaid since the passing of...

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      8 min read

      Improving Health Outcomes by Reducing Medical Debt

      Medical debt is more than a financial problem. Research is beginning to show that, for millions of Americans, medical debt leads to poor health outcomes.

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      7 min read

      Third-party Data Ensures Compliance with Medicaids New Maintenance of Effort Provisions

      More than 1.5 million people—including nearly 750,000 children—lost their Medicaid coverage in 2018, according to a study conducted that year. Researchers determined it was most likely due not to ineligibility but to paperwork barriers.

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      6 min read

      3 Ways to Reinvent Primary Care

      The Father of Population Health says America needs a new strategy for primary care.

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      6 min read

      Drug Effectiveness and Pharmacy Experience Start with Equitable Clinical Trials

      Approximately 20% of the new drugs approved in the last several years have known racial and ethnic differences in disposition. Still, the most recent data snapshot on diversity and inclusion from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration revealed that 75% of...

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      7 min read

      4 Ways to Deliver ROI by Addressing Social Determinants of Health

      Health organizations are zeroing in on Social Determinants of Health, removing socioeconomic barriers to healthcare and social services in order to improve patient outcomes. In the process, they’re also improving the financial health of the entire...

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      7 min read

      Health Data Collaboration Can Save Our Healthcare Economy

      By Brian Urban, Head of Payer Marketing, FinThrive

      The average healthcare patient account bounces back and forth between payers and providers multiple times before it gets anywhere near payment.That’s why the current state of revenue cycle management may...

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      9 min read

      3 Ways to Address Political Determinants of Health and Advance Health Equity

      For those who question the far-reaching impact of political determinants of health, Population Health Professor Geoffrey Roche recounts this story:

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      7 min read

      SDOH Data Drives Community Health and Healing

      Data shows that only 20% of a patient’s health outcomes are influenced by their access to and quality of healthcare. That leaves 80% to be determined by other factors, such as where we live, work, play, go to school, and get our groceries. These...

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      6 min read

      The New NCQA Standard that Health Plans Can’t Afford to Ignore

      As a health plan, you are likely familiar with the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). A government agency whose mission is to “work for better health care, better choices, and better health,” the NCQA offers a wide variety of programs for...

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      7 min read

      Open Enrollment: 3 Ways Health Plans Can Improve Member Experience

      It’s that time of the year: changing seasons, fresh starts, new relationships, and a nice sprinkle of chaos. We’re not talking about going back to school – we’re talking open enrollment.

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      6 min read

      Health Plans’ Top 5 Challenges, Solved: Quick Tips for Improving Member Outcomes and Engagement

      Healthcare continues to become increasingly complex. Member health outcomes and financial measures are managed by disparate systems that trap information in silos, causing inefficiency, introducing human error, and causing friction between members,...

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      5 min read

      3 Ways SDOH Data Helps Health Plans Succeed

      Our lives changed significantly during the pandemic—lost jobs, cross-country moves, pay cuts and lost or changed health insurance. Healthcare behavior also changed. A survey released by the Prevent Cancer Foundation found that 43% of people surveyed had...

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